E4 Project is a very unique
organization, created by God through Eric and Brynn Schmidt. I have always
known this, but in the past year E4 has begun to stand out even more in my eyes
in many ways. Since E4 “adopted” Project Sunset and me into their organization
- rather into their family - two years ago I have been very thankful for this
opportunity to serve with them. Their strong focus on accomplishing goals
through long term relationships and partnership is the foundation of everything
they are and every decision and act they make.
The four E’s of E4 stand for
Engage, Empower, Equip, and Educate. This mission’s model sets E4 apart from
many missions and non-profit organizations today. Most of the time these four E’s
apply to our partners in ministry overseas, but I know from personal experience
that anyone who gets the chance to interact with E4 in any way experiences
these four E’s in their own life as well.

Before my adoption into E4 I felt
like I could make a difference, but with their support I feel so empowered to
continue to work for God’s Kingdom and make a real difference in the lives of
His Children. E4 has equipped me with the tools to set higher and higher goals
and continue to soar past them. E4 is the reason that I was able to go to Gabon
for the first time in June 2012 which engaged me even further with Gabon and
would change the course of the next two years of my life, and hopefully many
more to come. Once you hear the vision of E4, it’s hard not to be engaged both
with their goals and with serving God in any aspect of life. As a college
student with a lot to learn about life, E4 continues to educate me not only in
the non-profit side of things, but in all areas of life.

Brynn and Eric have become two of
my greatest life mentors and that is a huge reflection of them as people but
also a reflection of the heart of their organization from top to bottom. They
are in it for the long haul to honor God with every relationship and partnership
they have, whether in Gabon, the DRC, or stateside and I am so thankful that
Project Sunset gets to be part of such an amazing organization.