Such exciting news!!!!
Project Sunset has officially expanded to a second country, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)! We are very excited about expanding our work and seeing all of your support benefit people in both Gabon and now the DRC.
Initially, funds from Project Sunset will be used to educate the people of DRC about malaria and the value of mosquito nets. Nebobongo Hospital is creating an education program that they will roll out to the Pygmy population first, who have not made use of the nets before. People can currently get nets from relief organizations in the area; however, they don’t understand the importance of the nets or how to properly use them. The vital education component is missing. Without education about the nets, the villagers are using them as fishing nets, pillows, and anything other than to prevent mosquitos from biting and spreading malaria.
As long as there are not education programs about malaria and mosquito nets, all distribution efforts are pointless. After education programs take place, mosquito net distribution will begin in DRC!
I hope this news is as exciting to all of you, as it is to me! It is so encouraging to me not only that we can expand to work in another country, but that our support is continually growing - making this dream a reality!
Thank you so much everyone for your continued support!