Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Seemingly Little Things

Something that has become really clear to me through all of this is that you can’t pass up the small opportunities because you don’t know what will come out of those seemingly small things. A great example of this is the Project Sunset logo and shirt design. I asked Tim Crecelius to design a logo for what was at the time a non-existent project. He said yes and started designing right away. I got an email a few weeks later with an incredible design. At the time the design was only going to be used on some shirts that would get worn by people at my school and church. He could have not spent that much time on it and just made a regular mediocre design, but instead he worked really hard on it even though he didn’t know what would become of it. But now, that design that seemed unimportant at the time is being seen and worn by people across the country and parts of the world, representing something more than Tim or I probably ever imagined. I would just like to thank Tim again for designing this awesome logo! God has been teaching me every day through all of this that if I follow Him in the little things, He will put them all together and make something wonderful out of them that I will be blessed to be a part of, like Project Sunset! 

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